Site editor.
The website belongs to the Simplified Joint Stock Company OUTDOOR KIDS with a capital of € 15000 and registered with the RCS of Annecy.
Address: 5 av du Parmelan 74000 Annecy (France).
SIRET: 821 696 721 00017
Intra-community VAT number: FR 75 821696721
Email: hello (at)
Responsible for publication: Hélène Allera-Marie (hello (at)
Contact details of the host:
Infomaniak Network SA
Rue Eugène Marziano 25
1227 Les Acacias (GE)
Registre du commerce du canton de Genève : CH-660.0.059.996-1
Numéro IDE : CHE-103.167.648
Numéro TVA : CHE-103.167.648
Creative Altitude
SIRET: 53861445400022
The photographs, texts, logos, pictograms as well as any work integrated into the site are the property of the company Outdoor Kids or of third parties who have authorized them to use them.
Reproductions, transmissions, modifications, re-uses on a paper or computer medium of said Internet portal and of the works reproduced therein are authorized from the moment they comply with the provisions of article L 122-5 of the French Code of Intellectual property. These reproductions, in whole or in part, must in particular clearly indicate the name of the author and the source of the site.